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  • 15-07-2022

    Woola use waste wool to replace plastic bubble wrap
    数据显示,每年约有 550 亿个包裹用于泡沫包装运输。塑料气泡膜依赖于化石燃料,并且其中有98%的塑料包装都是一次性的,严重威胁着环境健康。「Woola」创始人正在经营一家在线电子商务商店,他们关注到了塑料包装带来的环境问题。绵羊毛是一种未被利用的资源,欧洲每年有超过20万吨羊毛被丢弃。「Woola」表示,这足以满足全球 120% 的气泡膜需求。因此,他们将羊毛创新用于包装,以期解决环境问题。「Woola」使用剩余的羊毛代替泡沫包装,这些基于羊毛的包装可以重复使用、重新利用,从而达到“零浪费”的目的。「Woola」在爱沙尼亚开设了一家工厂,并于2020年12月推出了其第一款产品——羊毛信封。目
  • 30-12-2021

    About CCC-Pack
    The company is found in 2016 and located in Qishi town Dongguan China, It is a professional manufacturer of Eco-friendly and degradable packaging products. The plant covers an area of about 4000 square meters and employs about 60 people.Our main market are Europe, North America.
  • 30-12-2021

    About CCC-Pack
    The company is found in 2016 and located in Qishi town Dongguan China, It is a professional manufacturer of Eco-friendly and degradable packaging products. The plant covers an area of about 4000 square meters and employs about 60 people.Our main market are Europe, North America.
  • 30-12-2021

    About CCC-Pack
    The company is found in 2016 and located in Qishi town Dongguan China, It is a professional manufacturer of Eco-friendly and degradable packaging products. The plant covers an area of about 4000 square meters and employs about 60 people.Our main market are Europe, North America.
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